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french horn artinya

contoh kalimat "french horn"
  • french:    perancis; kentang goreng; ????
  • horn:    sj alat muzik; tanduk; terompet; klakson; puput;
  • horn:    sj alat muzik; tanduk; terompet; klakson; puput; terompet cornet; cula; sumbu; trompét; jambul; terompet perancis; trompet; menanduk
  • horn in:    menyelundup masuk; membongkar; memacak; menyodok; risik
  • french:    perancis; kentang goreng; ???? ???????; prancis; french; bangsa perancis; orang perancis; bahasa perancis; rakyat perancis; daniel chester french; bangsa prancis; orang prancis
  • air horn:    klakson angin
  • anvil-horn:    tanduk landasan
  • baritone horn:    terompet bariton; hon bariton; bariton
  • bass horn:    tuba
  • cape horn:    cape horn; tanjung horn
  • catenoidal horn:    corong katenoidal
  • conical horn:    corong mengerucut
  • cutaneous horn:    cornu cutaneum
  • electromagnetic horn:    corona elektromagnetik
  • exponential horn:    corong eksponensial
  • I played French horn in the marching band.
    Aku dulu pernah memainkan terompet di marching band.
  • Does he play the french horn, too?
    Apa anakmu main terompet Perancis juga?
  • The blue French horn, it's so romantic!
    Terompet biru Perancis, itu sangat romantis!
  • 423.23 Valved trumpets – French horn, euphonium, baritone horn, trumpet, and tuba.
    423.23 Trompet berkatup - Eufonium, Trompet dan Tuba.
  • You didn't just come up with this blue French horn thing.
    Kau tidak perlu mengingat hal tentang terompet biru Perancis ini.
  • Because of its shape, a French horn can produce dozens of different notes.
    Karena bentuknya, klakson Perancis dapat menghasilkan puluhan catatan berbeda.
  • Manage your french horn teaching business on mobile
    Kelola bisnis pengajaran tanduk Prancis Anda di ponsel
  • High Quality French Horn Cufflinks Perfect Any Occasion
    Kualitas Tinggi French Horn Manset Sempurna Setiap Acara
  • YWFH-730 Piston valves French Horn brass wind i...
    No.4 Chenjia ST.Jinzhong Industrial Area Dongli District, Tianjin Kina
  • Get online booking for your french horn teaching business
    Dapatkan pemesanan online untuk bisnis pengajaran tanduk Perancis Anda
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2